We're 2 meetings in to the year, having played a Anglo Zulu war game in January and an American Civil War plus WW1 aerial combat game in February. Both land games used the Black Powder additional rules in the supplements along side the second edition Black Powder rules, and the air combat used Aces High.
The venue is booked 12pm - 5pm last Sunday of every month, except December.
31st March
Game 1 - 15mm Napoleonic using General De Brigade rules
Game 2 - 15mm Ancients DBA
No other games have yet been decided or scheduled.
Ideas so far are:
Star Wars X Wing - using the second edition rules
7TV Apocalypse - 28mm end of the world fun, probably caused by zombies
Highly likely games are WW2 20mm, more Ancients/Dark Ages, and an attempt to save Gordon in Khartoum